Tutor Reading
An introduction to Tutor Reading
At Burnt Mill Academy we aim to foster a love of reading and prioritise it in our school. We understand that reading is the passport to pupils’ success; pupils who read well are more likely to succeed at school, achieve better qualifications than those who don’t, and will go on to lead fulfilling successful lives and careers in the future.
Tutor Reading is an important part of this learning journey. Every morning pupils will engage with high-quality texts to read, supported by: clearly-explained vocabulary, a recorded audio by expert readers in the school and questions which help to check their understanding, link ideas together and connect to ‘big ideas’ within the text.
Below you will find a ‘map’ of the texts covered within each half term, the ‘big ideas’ within the text and the key vocabulary which is explained each session. You will also note the different types of text; from autobiographies to encyclopaedias, expert websites and more.
One question you may have is ‘Why so many non-fiction texts?’. Our school survey from last year 2023-2024 showed us that this is the type of text we most need to support our young readers with. Not only does it provide an extra layer of knowledge for them to access to school curriculum, but also helps them to build a layer of general knowledge of key world figures, events and theories which they will take forward into their adult life.
If you have any questions on Tutor Reading, or you would like to give any feedback, please email Mrs Collins via collinsa@bmatburntmill.org.uk.
By sharing this information with you, we hope to foster a curiosity and love for reading at home as well as in the classroom. This can be achieved simply by asking them about the text they read that day, what they have learnt and any further investigation they may wish to pursue. If you have any recommendations for Tutor Reading, we also welcome these.