Fine Art
Exam board: AQA
Course code/specification number: 4202
Level of qualification: GCSE
What will students learn about?
Students are required to work in a range of areas of Fine Art. They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas such as: Painting and drawing; Mixed media, including collage and assemblage; Sculpture; Printmaking (relief, intaglio, screen processes and lithography); and Photography.
What can students progress on to after completing this course?
A level Photography
AS/A level Art and Design Graphic Design
A level Fine Art
Art and Design Level 2/Level 3
Art and Design (Fashion) Level 3
What grades can students access?
Grades 9-1
What skills will students develop and demonstrate?
Students will be expected to demonstrate skills and techniques in the context of their chosen area(s) of study within Fine Art:
- making appropriate use of colour, line, tone, texture, shape and form
- using different approaches to recording images, such as, observation, analysis, expression and imagination
- showing in their work an understanding of the conventions of representational and abstract/ non-representational imagery and genres
- investigating different ways of working, as appropriate to their chosen area(s) of study within Fine Art
- providing evidence of an understanding of spatial qualities, composition, rhythm, scale and structure
- providing evidence of the use of safe working practices.
How will studentsโ learning be assessed?
Component 1: Portfolio
A sustained project (60%)
Component 2:
Externally set assignment (40%)
SEPT 2021