Physical Education
Exam board: Edexcel
Course code/specification number: 1PE0
Level of qualification: GCSE
What will students learn about?
Component 1 – Fitness and Body Systems.
- Anatomy and physiology- skeletal system, cardio-respiratory systems, aerobic and anaerobic exercise and short term and long term effects of exercise.
- Movement analysis- lever systems, planes and axis of movement.
- Physical Training – relationship between health and fitness, components of fitness, principles of training, training programmes and prevention of injury.
Component 2-Health and Performance.
- Health fitness and wellbeing- physical, emotional and social health, consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and sports nutrition.
- Sports Psychology- classification of skills, target setting, feedback on performance and mental preparation for performance.
- Socio-cultural influences- engagement patterns of social groups in sport, commercialisation of sport and ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity.
Component 3- Practical performance- students will be assessed in three physical activities. One must be a team sport, one individual sport and the third can be a free choice of a team or individual sport. Students will learn individual skills of the sports and how to apply them into a game/performance. Example of sports are, football, badminton, basket- ball, cricket, dance, netball, rugby, squash, table tennis, tennis, athlet- ics, gymnastics, kayaking, swimming and trampolining.
Component 4- Personalised exercised programme- students will have to plan a personalised training programme, carry out their programme and evaluate their programme.
How will students’ learning be assessed?
60% of the course is assessed through theory examinations. This consists of two exams:
Component 1: Written examination, 1 hour 45 minutes worth 36%.
Component 2: Written examination, 1 hour 15 minutes worth 24%
30% of the course is assessed through practical ability. This consists of students being assessed in 3 sports on individual skills and applying skills into games or performances.
10% of the coursed is assessed through coursework- The personalised exercise programme.
What grades can students access?
Grades 9-1
What can students’ progress on to after completing this course?
After completing the GCSE PE course, students can progress on to A level PE and other sports courses offered at Col- lege.
If students are thinking about a career in sport, GCSE PE is highly recommended.