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GCSE Results 2018
Posted: 23rd August 2018Burnt Mill Academy is once again celebrating “outstanding” GCSE results.
As one of the top achieving schools in the country, more than half of Year 11 students at the school, in Harlow, achieved the new grade 5 – considered a strong pass nationally – in both English and maths.
In the core subjects of English, maths and science, 51 students achieved the sought-after grade 9 – an achievement only reached by 0.2 per cent of students nationally.
The top scores of grade 9 to 7 were achieved by 16 per cent of students in English language, 23 per cent in English literature, 25 per cent in maths, 24 per cent in biology, 16 per cent in chemistry and 14 per cent in physics.
The 2017 summer exam season saw students sitting the new grade 9 to 1 GCSEs for the first time in maths and English, with the majority of other subjects switching to the new format this year.
The 9 to 1 numerical grades do not map across in a simple way to the A* to G grades. A grade 9 is not comparable to an A*, for example.
At Burnt Mill, 72 per cent of students this year achieved the equivalent of the old five or more A* to C grades including English and maths.
Head of school Laura McGlashan said: “I would like to thank all of our students, staff and parents for their hard work and continued support. The staff at Burnt Mill are dedicated and passionate and go above and beyond and our students’ hard work and commitment to their studies is testament to their success.
“I am immensely proud of the students and their achievements.”