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Year 11 Careers Day
Posted: 15th October 2018Teenagers took a step into the world of work with a day devoted to careers.
Year 11 students at Burnt Mill Academy spent a day dressed in business dress and focused on the next steps in their lives.
They were given tips on dos and don’ts for creating their CVs and listened to professionals from various industries talk about their jobs, qualifications and how they got to where they are.
The day culminated with each student taking part in a mock job interview with governors, teachers and representatives from sixth forms and colleges.
Francis Collins, assistant headteacher – Year 11, is keen to get students thinking ahead as early as possible about their careers and the important school year ahead.
He said: “We have never held a day like this before. There was a career focus all day long. It was a day all about their futures and gave them opportunities to ask about careers and requirements for industries they are interested in.
“We offer students lots of opportunities. Because of our high expectations and relentless focus on that, students rise to it and aim high.
“The students approached the interviews as if they were real. They were asked about their chosen career paths, their hobbies and other plans for the future.
“The feedback from those who worked with our students was that their confidence was overwhelming and that many of our young people know exactly which career they want to pursue in the future. For the small percentage who do not know what they want to do, the day gave them real focus and was a great help.
“The day was a huge success.”
Parents were invited to meet with the sixth form and college representatives that evening to find out more about the options open to their children.
A similar event is being planned for Year 10.