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National finals for maths stars
Posted: 4th December 2018Young mathematicians have qualified for the semi-finals of a national competition.
The Year 8 students from Burnt Mill Academy competed against other schools from around the country to make it through to the next stage of the National Young Mathematician Competition.
Amethyst Balding, Oliver Bayliss, Tusha Chowdhury and Millie Davies will now represent their school at the semi-final on December 6 in Chelmsford, along with just half of those schools which took part.
Erkan Ustura, assistant head, said his students demonstrated “excellent” maths skill. He said: “They were a perfect example of working superbly as a team, with equal communication and involvement from all of the students. They were so encouraging of each other and praised all the efforts from everyone. They were fantastic at clarifying and challenged each other’s answers and were always sharing their thinking and listening to each other, which was amazing to see. Burnt Mill achieved full marks for teamwork due to their fantastic team communication, co-ordination and strategy.
“The team were able to use their wider mathematical knowledge to build their own unique team thinking about how best to find all the possible solutions. We were so impressed with all the children and they should be very proud.”
The final of the competition, which judges students on mathematical skill and teamwork, will be held at Cambridge University in January.