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Movember fun raises awareness
Posted: 13th December 2018A bit of fun in school has raised serious issues among young people.
The Movember Foundation is on a mission to stop men dying too young by encouraging them to talk more about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide.
At Burnt Mill Academy teachers Luke Burrows, Alaric Cook, Philip Latchford and Khan Busby took part by growing moustaches throughout the month of November.
Year 9 student Toms Xavi was so keen to join in with the campaign, he wore a different stick-on moustache each day to raise awareness and money for the cause.
Between them, they have raised a total of £1,128 so far.
Mr Burrows, head of computer science and ICT, said: “Students have been very supportive towards the cause. It’s been a great opportunity to bring up the health issues that men are facing and has raised a lot of questions among students. This hopefully means that students will be more equipped to face issues, but also help others who might be struggling. Many students I talked to have mentioned they want to help next year and put a bigger focus on men’s issues.
“It has been really heart-warming to see all the money we’ve raised, but also the awareness we have raised for the cause as it really isn’t discussed enough. Hopefully, we’ve increased the number of people who will survive testicular/prostate cancer and also helped to fund services that will support men with mental health issues.”