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Lego engineers in UK competition final
Posted: 21st February 2019Lego masters from Harlow have been selected to take part in the UK finals of an engineering competition.
The Year 9 Lego robotics club from Burnt Mill Academy are through to the national finals of the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge.
Having won their heat – at the Salesforce Tower, in Liverpool Street, London – they will go head to head with teams from around the country and The Big Bang Fair, in Birmingham, on March 15.
Students had to build, programme and control Lego robots for a series of aviation missions, as well as research, design and present their own solution to a contemporary engineering problem faced by STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) professionals.
Luke Burrows, head of computer science and ICT, said: “Students had to think very quickly on their feet and figure out how they could work as a team in a new situation. It helped to boost their confidence as they had to present to a room of 20 specialists. They spoke fantastically.
“This is the first year we have had the Lego robotics club and taken part in this event, so we were not expecting to win as most teams had been involved for several years. We only had three months to prepare for it.
“The heat massively inspired them to want to go and work in engineering in London. They were constantly wowed by what they were seeing; they thought it was an incredible environment to be in.”
The competition introduces students to real-world engineering, technology, robots and computing challenges.