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Burnt Mill Academy in top 50 UK fundraisers
Posted: 9th July 2019Our school’s efforts to raise awareness of men’s health issues has earned it national recognition.
The community at Burnt Mill Academy has been named as one of the top 50 UK supporters of Movember.
The Movember Foundation is on a mission to stop men dying too young by encouraging them to talk more about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide.
At Burnt Mill, teachers Luke Burrows, Alaric Cook, Philip Latchford and Khan Busby took part by growing moustaches throughout the month of November.
Year 9 student Toms Xavi was so keen to join in with the campaign, he wore a different stick-on moustache each day to raise awareness and money for the cause.
Between them, they raised a total of £1,129.
That work has earned them the place in the top 50 fundraisers.
Mr Burrows, head of computing, said: “Staff and students raised awareness of some of the biggest health issues faced by men, while also raising a sum of money to go to the Movember Foundation. Staff and students grew or donned moustaches for the entire month to instigate conversations in the school around men’s health issues.
“The prevalence of Movember in the school is increasing year upon year. Next year, we are looking to have speakers in to discuss the issues with students in assemblies. We also want to expand the number of conversations taking place around the school by embedding them into our SMSC program during the month of November.
“We are so proud of what we achieved this year and are excited to continue building on this in the future.”