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Teacher thanks emergency team for saving son
Posted: 4th December 2019A thankful dad is repaying the emergency team who brought his baby back to health, by taking on the London Marathon.
Seventeen-month-old James Gallagher has been rushed to Princess Alexandra Hospital three times in the last year struggling to breathe.
His dad Emmett, maths teacher at Burnt Mill Academy, has been so grateful to the paediatric A&E staff that he is keen to pay them back by raising much-needed funding for equipment.
He said: “James was very sick in the high dependency unit, staying for three days each time in January, April and May. We were terrified.
“There was a moment when we were holding him and he was lifeless. Lots of doctors came in and I asked if he was alright. They said they were considering calling the CATS (children’s acute transport service) team to take him to Great Ormond Street Hospital. I have never in my life felt so scared.
“The team were so good and looked after our wee man so well.”
Keen runner Mr Gallagher is up to 12 miles with his training, with plans to step it up one mile per week after Christmas for the event in April.
He said: “This is insane. I ran a half marathon in 2017, so I know a marathon is definitely going to be horrendous! I am so scared, but I think I can do it; I’m pretty determined.
“Training has been difficult so far. The only thing spurring me on is knowing that I am doing it for a cause which helped my son.
“I am trying to give the littlest thing back to the most incredible team of doctors, nurses and administrators at the hospital. Their care is 100 per cent.
“My fiancée Nicola, James’ mum, is a sister at the paediatric A&E department and knows how far the money would go in terms of improving the care that can be given to sick children.”
A Stars in their Eyes event is being held at Burnt Mill, with ten members of staff walking through a smoke screen before performing hits from the 1960s to today.
Tickets for the event, at 7pm on April 2, are £5 for students and £7 for adults and available from Burnt Mill’s reception.