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Young players watch first professional netball match
Posted: 7th April 2022Young netball players were inspired by the professionals as they watched their first game.
A group of 23 students in Year 7 to 11 watched their first professional netball match.
The game was between Saracens Mavericks and Manchester Thunder.
During half-time, Year 11 student Kayleigh Chatters was invited onto court to compete against students from other schools and clubs in a shooting competition.
PE teacher Amber Reilly said: “Kayleigh held her nerve and confidently stepped onto court to shoot in front of hundreds of spectators, performing well and winning the half-time competition!
“The students’ eagerness and excitement were infectious. The students started and led many chants to encourage Mavericks during the last, very close quarter, acting as the eighth player to help the team to finish the match.
“I was so proud of all students for their behaviour and enthusiasm, especially Kayleigh for her leadership and inspiring performance during the competition!
“I hope the trip helped to inspire some of our netball teams for the remainder of their season.”