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Bowling Trip Builds Communication Skills
Posted: 15th March 2023A fun trip out helped teenagers to develop their communication skills.
Students in Year 10 and 11 focussed on leisure as a topic as part of their Step Up to English course.
For their speaking and listening assessment for the course – which builds basic literacy skills – students discussed potential leisure activities suitable for a class trip.
Students built their reading skills by researching local leisure activities before deciding on an activity and presenting their argument to their peers.
Having voted for Tenpin Harlow, students worked together to organise the trip through group discussions and contacting parents and staff.
Teacher Holly Hamilton said: “Year 11 students even wrote an email to their head of year to ask if they could wear non-uniform and their wish was granted!
“As part of their Step Up to English course, students organised this trip themselves. I left the decisions about the trip to them. Each choice was carefully considered in class and it created a real sense of teamwork and comradery.”