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30 Exam Questions in 30 days
Posted: 20th October 2017GCSE students are completing an exam question every day for 30 days to prepare for the months ahead.
Year 10 and 11 students at Burnt Mill Academy are taking up #Challenge30 to improve their revision skills and help to relieve the pressure of exam season.
Throughout November, they will work through a list of knowledge-based questions which will require a range of skills to produce concise answers to essay style answers.
Kayleigh Trainor, head of humanities, said: “To adapt to the changes to the curriculum, we are constantly looking at ways we can help our students to achieve the highest grades.
“The project will also help to raise awareness of revision and encourage more independent learning. By completing these exam questions, they will be more prepared for the exam season. When it gets closer to May, they will be more confident in answering exam questions. Students can often get bogged down with heavy, noted revision, but instead we want them to apply what they are learning in lessons.
“It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learnt in lessons.”
All questions will be marked and 30 prizes given out for the top answers.